IWS – Kildare,
Naas & Curragh

Philip Keleghan
(087) 917 8213

Sam Murray
(083) 007 1196

Ashling Nesbitt
(086) 260 1264
The information in this section is, in part, informed from the website of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and Irish Water Safety (www.iws.ie)
What is the legal definition of a child in Ireland?
Under the Child Care Act 1991 a child is defined as “a person under the age of 18 years, excluding a person who is or has been married”
What is child abuse?
There are four recognised forms of child abuse:-
. Neglect
. Physical abuse
. Emotional Abuse
. Sexual abuse
Definitions and signs and symptoms of child abuse can be found on pages 8 to 10 in the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017
Who deals with child protection concerns?
TUSLA the Child and Family Agency and An Garda Síochána are the two key authorities. TUSLA the Child and Family Agency has a duty to assess reports regarding a child’s welfare or safety.
The specific focus of An Garda Síochána is on the investigation of alleged offences and whether a crime has been committed.
Concerned About A Child’s Welfare And Protection?
If you are a member of the IWS and you have any concerns about the welfare of a child you should contact the IWS Kildare DLP
Who deals with child protection concerns in IWS KILDARE?
Our Designated Liaison Person (DLP) in place for dealing with child protection concerns.
The DLP has responsibility for ensuring that the standard reporting procedure is followed, so that suspected child protection concerns are referred promptly to the designated person in TUSLA the Child and Family Agency or in the event of an emergency and the unavailability of TUSLA, to An Garda Síochána.
If you wish to report a child protection concern you should speak to the DLP and that person will be responsible for making the report.
What is in place to assist IWS in dealing with child protection concerns?
Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 promotes the protection of children from abuse. It sets out what organisations need to do to keep children safe, and what different bodies and the general public should do if they are concerned about a child’s safety and welfare.
IWS is responsible for developing and implementing child protection procedures as based on the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017
What if I feel a child is in immediate danger?
If you think a child is in immediate danger and you cannot contact TUSLA the Child and Family Agency you should contact An Garda Síochána at any Garda Station or your General Medical Practitioner.
I was abused when I was a child, who do I contact?
The HSE National Counselling Service is in place to listen to, value and understand those who have been abused in childhood. The service is a professional, confidential counselling and psychotherapy service and is available free of charge in all regions of the country. The service can be accessed either through healthcare professionals or by way of self-referral (Freephone 1800 477477).
What should I do if I am concerned about a child and I am not sure if I should make a report?
If you have concerns about the safety or welfare of a child you can consult the DLP or TUSLA the Child and Family Agency to seek advice. This process is called ‘informal consultation’. This consultation is an opportunity to discuss the query in general and to decide together whether a formal referral is warranted.
The consulting party should state that they are not at this point making a referral and therefore they do not need to give identifying information until the point that they are advised by the social worker that a referral is warranted.
IWS volunteers who have concerns about a child should discuss these with the IWS designated liaison person (DLP), or contact TUSLA the Child and Family Agency for advice.